Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Makeup 4: Blue

It seems a lot of tutorials have been pretty much on a natural side so I've decied to start going in a brighter direction with blue!!

Blue is SUCH a summer color, and with summer here it seems even more apporiate to be wearing it.
Normally, darker toned people will be more ept to go for darker blues, but being girls that aren't afriad, lets go for some lighter shades! Here is the colors we will work with:

For the eyes, I'm going to use a slightly darker model. I thought since it's summer, we're probably all out in the sun getting a little tan!

for the lip and cheek, lets keep it simply:

don't fret and have fun^^

Makeup 3: brown

So today I'm going to take a gal/gyaru mag scan and change it a bit so that girls of color can actually use it.

Here is the scan:

Pretty right? Unfortuantly, this doesn't help us if your skin is darker then any of these shades. So I adujusted the color pallet a little to match a deeper ton.

Here's the new and improved pallet fore the eyes:
Here is how it looks on the eyes:
This one requires a lot of blending. It may take some time so be patient!

for the blush I used a brighter pink this time to match the eyes:
The lips are in a more reddish brown to complete the eyes without drawing away from them. Use a sheer lip gloss to top it off
Have fun!

Makeup 2: Pink and grey

For this day, my outfit consisted of pink, gray, and black. This is how I did my makeup:
 Now for this one, my colors were a bit more subtle. I simply lined the eyes with a light grey, and filled the rest with a dark pink. here were my colors:

 Easy. Heres what the eye looks like:
And then I did a simple lip and cheek in simply dusty pink and nude colors. Like this:
Over all simple^^. Enjoy!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Makeup 1: Purple

Not the best, just simple. This is at the end of the day.

Hello! I'm gonna show you how do gal/ gyaru makeup for a nice night out. For my skin color and outfit choice, I choose a deep purple. heres me:  

Lets get started!

Okay, so first I choose my colors, they go like this:

the eye looked like this:
For the lips I used a nude pink and a sheer lip gloss. Finally, I added a dusty pink plush. Here is the template for that:

Hope this helped!

a few of my favorite things.....

I just thought I should show you guys a couple of clothes and things to help you with your lolita look that is both affordable and pretty! Have fun!

Smooth leg scrub

My roommate showed me this trick, so I took it changed it and made it my own!

Step 1: Shave legs as you normally would, using your desired shaving cream
Step 2: Pat dry your legs and apply and add an even coat of Nair hair removing cream. This will get the hairs you missed. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse off the cream.
Step 3: Pat dry agian and apply this scrube mix:

Step 4: Rinse legs and pat dry agian. Your legs should feel smoother already.
Step 5: Spray your legs with your favorite smelling body spray or perfume
Step 6: Apply a thin layer of Olive oil. Soy oil will also work, as well as canola.Step 7: Apply your favorite body lotion.
Step 8: Enjoy!

10 things every gal/lolita needs in their makeup bag right NOW!!

Hello cupcakes :) today I just wanted to share a list of the makeup secreats Ive known about for a while. I was born on the stage, and modeled when I was very young, so needless to say I grew up around a lot of makeup. While theatrical makeup can be a bit extream, here are some things from the stage that work for your everyday look. Enjoy!

1. Hemorrhoid Cream-
Okay so the secret is out! Hemorrhoid cream, a topical cream originally intended to ease the pain of hemorrhoids( Google it), is a must have for anybody whose every stayed up for more then and hour playing Super Smash Brawl (me!!) The cream gently tightens the skin around the eyes, getting rid of puffiness,dark circles, and wrinkles and can help you take on a more porcelain doll like look of overall smoothness.

2. Ice/Cold Water- Ok I know what your thinking, you can't put this is your makeup bag. But its still important. Washing your face with cold water, gives your skin an overall polish, locks in oil, and keeps the skin tight. So do it!!

3. Rubbing alcohol- Like most black people, I tend to use a lot of products in my hair, especially when I straighten it.Rubbing alcohol is strong astringent that can remove some of the toughest grease from the skin. BE WARNED! DO NOT USE THIS AS A DAILY ASTRINGENT! It is too strong. Rather, use this once a month or around certain times of the year ( that special day of the month for example) when simply washing your face wont do it.

4.Pond's Makeup Removal Cream- Anyone with a grandmother or mother or female in their life will tell you how this is a must. It's like your rite of passage into womanhood. But did you know you can use this for other things too? If the nights aren't to hot, apply an even coat to your legs and wear socks or stockings to bed. The next morning, wash as normal. It will make your legs super soft. You can also mix this with salt and sugar to make a nice scrub. Check here :http://weexsistsomewhere.blogspot.com/  for more info.

5. eyes-
take this on a piece of paper. Color the back ground your shade. You can use it to test color combonations of your eye makeup before you put it on your face!

6. Red stick- A stick of red lipstick is a must for any fashion foward girl. Make sure to pick a color that matches you.

7. Lip liner- not call anyone out but

'Nuff said. Lip liner can give you a smooth, doll look IF DONE PROPERLY. Instead of deep blacks, use a light brown or gold, a color closer-but slightly darker - to your shade. Make a moderate line around the lips and blend the liner with the foundation on the outside of the mouth to give a smooth, Barbie like look to your lips. Then add your desired lip makeup.

8. lip mopsterizer- prepare your lips before adding anything to them to keep them soft.

9.Paper towels- use them to remove excess makeup with out smudging or sticking

10. A mini calendar- Remember to note the day you bought your makeup and watch how long you have. Remember to throw it out after three at the most 6 months.

Find me at...

email: flowerchild16@gmail.com

About this blog

So if your like me, you love love ***LOVE!!!!0_0**** lolita and gyaru fashion. If your also like me, you also love shopping at Hot Topic, finding large, lacy,bows for a dollar, and wearing your grandmothers antique jewelry on a daily basis. If your like me, then you like to sew your own clothes, bake the cutest sweets, and smile a little every time you heard the word 'vintage'. If your like me, then I can assume you like sushi, you drink champagne on a Monday, you'll have tea party on your birthday, and you've actually read Alice in Wonderland.If your like me you don't have a style, you are a style. But if your also like me, your not white. And your not Asian. And your a big girl. So if your like me your finding it hard to do what you love. Maybe because someone told you "that's not what black girls do" or " You're just trying to be asian!", or maybe you cant get your gyaru makeup to match just right, your having a hard time finding lolita shoes in a size larger then six,or maybe you just came in from walking through the park and getting 'the look'. So this blog is for us, cause honestly If I didn't do it, how many other people would have?

Of course. anyone is allowed to follow, but this blog is made for African American and other minority Lolitas/ Gyarus/ Other.

K I'm done.(gets off of soap box)


hello hello hello

I think since Im here I should at the very least intrioduce myself. so here it goes:

Stuff about me:

Languges: English, Spanish, a little French, a little Japanese, and a little Dutch(im getting better)
Fav color: Pink
Fav food: sushi
Fav country: The Nether lands  Jamaica and Protugul ( family ties)
Fav thing to say: dog
Fav music: Oh darn...all of them
Fav books: All of them..there is just too much to choose!
Fav brand: Younique
Fav movie: Deathnote the Last name
Fav anime/ manga: All really, but mostly Yugioh
Symbol: Golden feather(keep reading more of my story to learn more)
Fav candy: Reese
Fav soda: Dr. Pepper
My new dog:Laluach
My new cat:Jinx ,George,Pebbles
Fav sports:tennis, soccer(futbol), volleyball,basketball,swimming

Profession(s): I have been a chef, an artist, and a business owner. All at once, because I own my own catering business. Or at least I did, I relocated so I'm trying to reopen business. Currently,though, I am just a college student

Things I do: I act, dance (ballet tap hiphop) I'm on my school's wintergaurd team, I play two instruments ( violin and trombone) i draw( random things, portraits, manga series) I like to sew, and I cook. A lot. I also write poems and screen plays and short skits, and I'm working on one movie project as we speak.

Things I like to do alot: I love the metro life! I love living in Lousiville because of all the arts around. I love going to all the local concerts(most are free) going to the museum, and just walking downtown. Most of my poetry is inspired by urban life.

I'm going to Prescott College, which is a school in Arizona, were I currently live, although the Ville will always be my home! <3

and that's me! K, now that that's done down to business